Category: News

A huge thank you for your continued support as we upgrade the lighting in the Cathedral.

Work in the Sanctuary, the Lady Chapel, and the Blessed Sacrament Chapel is now nearing completion.

Although it is quite a small corner of the Cathedral, the Shrine of the Sacred Heart and St Michael has the added complication of needing rewiring, which is the next stage of our project. The new lighting scheme will not only enhance the prayerful aspect of the Chapel but it will help us to reduce further the running cost and our carbon emissions.

Thanks to your support and generosity thus far, we have raised £7,862 of the £19,000 needed. To contribute to this project, please speak to one of the priests after Mass or contact the Cathedral Fundraising Manager, Marie-Louise Van Spyk (email:, or telephone 075 9685 5460).

  • Sacred Heart Shrine – Appeal Update

    A huge thank you for your continued support as we upgrade the lighting in the Cathedral. Work in the Sanctuary, the Lady Chapel, and the Blessed Sacrament Chapel is now […]

  • Exploring the Faith

    Adults who regularly come to the Cathedral for Mass, or live locally, and who are interested in becoming a Catholic, are welcome to join the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation […]

  • Ordinations: Priesthood & Diaconate

    There will be two Ordination Masses taking place in the Cathedral later this month. On Saturday 24 June, at 10.30am, there will be the Ordination of Priests. Among them will […]

  • The Choir’s New Recording

    At the end of May, Westminster Cathedral Choir made a pilgrimage to Buckfast Abbey in Devon to make their first record under Master of Music, Simon Johnson.  The new disc takes in a sequence of music for […]

  • Launch of the Cathedral Choral Foundation

    Westminster Cathedral is very blessed to be the home of the world-class Cathedral Choir. However, the Choir relies entirely upon the Cathedral to cover its running costs and this is […]

  • Holy Week & Easter

    Flyers are now available by the main doors of the Cathedral giving full information about services and times for Holy Week, the Triduum and the Easter Octave. These are also […]

  • RIP – Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

    It is with great sadness that news was received of the death of Benedict XVI. On Tuesday 24 January, within the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity, Cardinal Nichols will […]

  • Parish Youth Confirmation

    Applications for the Parish Youth Confirmation programme are now being received. If you are in Year 9 or above, at Secondary School, and you are either a parishioner of the Cathedral […]

  • The Big Give: a Big Thank You

    A very big thank you to everyone who supported the Big Give campaign to raise funds towards the cost of replacing the sanctuary floodlighting in the Cathedral. With your generosity we […]

  • Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party

    Over-60s are very welcome to attend this party on Thursday 8 December, from 2pm to 4pm in Cathedral Hall. To attend, please complete and return the application form available from […]

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