Oremus is the monthly magazine of Westminster Cathedral, packed with information about the life of the Cathedral and important issues of interest to a broad Catholic readership. The content is both varied and thought-provoking.
About Oremus
Oremus is widely read by the Cathedral’s worshipping community and visitors and is sent to postal subscribers across the world. Offered free to all, it is produced in both digital and printed formats. Printed copies can be collected from the dedicated stand at the back of the Cathedral. The magazine is edited by Lorcán Keller, assisted by a small team of volunteers and a wide group of contributors.
Subscribe to Oremus
You can subscribe to receive a free digital copy of Oremus via email every month. Or, if you would prefer to receive a hard copy, then all you pay is postage and packing costs.

‘In many ways, effective communications begins with mutual respect, communications that inspires, encourages others to do their best.‘
Zig Ziglar
Support the production of Oremus: Join the Companions
Although Oremus earns income from the advertisements it carries, it is insufficient to cover the full costs of production. The Companions of Oremus are a group of individuals who give generously to support the production of Oremus, so that it can continue to be offered free to everyone. Their names are published in the magazine each month and they enjoy social events once or twice a year. A minimum donation of £100 per annum is requested.
Should they wish to, current members of the Companions may click the Join the Companions of Oremus button to set up payment for their annual membership renewal.

Write for Oremus
Could you write for Oremus? If you would like to submit a poem or an article, the Editor would be pleased to consider it for inclusion. Our contributors come from many walks of life. As well as priests, authors and journalists, we publish writing from our lay staff, parishioners, readers, undertakers, musicians and health-workers, to name but a few. Please email your contribution to the Editor, Lorcán Keller at Oremus@rcdow.org.uk.