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Christian Unity Week

Ut unum sint – ‘That they may be one’ (John 17:21)

There is a long-standing tradition here in Westminster Cathedral, marking the week of prayer for Christian unity with joint, ecumenical services with St Paul’s Cathedral. Since 1908, 18 to 24 January has been kept as an octave for unity, beginning on the feast of the Chair of St Peter (removed from the calendar in 1960 as it was identical to the feast we still keep on 22 February), and ending on the Conversion of St Paul the Apostle. The theme for this year is ‘Do you believe this?’

On Tuesday 21 January, we will welcome the clergy and choir of St Paul’s Cathedral to sing Evensong at 5pm. All are most welcome to attend. Please note that (said) Mass will be celebrated at the later time of 6pm.

In similar fashion, Westminster Cathedral Choir and clergy will sing Solemn Vespers at St Paul’s Cathedral at 5pm on Friday 24 January. Entry is free and all are most welcome to attend.

To accomodate the choirs, the Evening Mass will be said on Tuesday and Friday.