Fr Domagoj Matokovic, who was with our parish for the last year as a Deacon, was ordained Priest on Saturday 29 June.
Fr Domagoj will celebrate his First Mass with us in the Cathedral, which will also be his Farewell Mass, next Sunday 14 July at 12 noon. From September Fr Domagoj will be starting his first priestly appointment as Assistant Priest in Rickmansworth Parishes.
The Farewell Mass will be followed by a bring and share reception in Cathedral Hall, to which all are invited (please note that there will be no teas and coffees after the 10am Mass that day). Contributions of food and drink to share would be welcome in the usual tradition of our parish parties. Please bring these to Clergy House in advance if possible.
There will be a retiring collection after all Masses this weekend to enable a presentation to be made to Fr Domagoj at the parish party on Sunday 14 July. Please give generously.