Hire Westminster Cathedral
The Cathedral may be booked by external groups wishing to host a special Mass or concert. Every year the Cathedral welcomes thousands of people attending a charity carol service, an anniversary Mass or a school celebration.
Special Services
The beauty and holiness of the Cathedral will make your special Mass or service memorable. We are always pleased to welcome external groups and organisations to share in the beauty of our liturgy, and we ask that these special services are conducted with sensitivity to the life and mission of the Cathedral.
You will work closely with the Cathedral Precentor in setting up the event and he will be able to offer advice on the general nature of the service being planned, and whether we are the right venue for you. He will also check available dates in the diary.
This is a busy, working Cathedral and we do our best to accommodate requests. All requests for special Masses or services are considered fortnightly by the Cathedral Administrator so please, allow plenty of time for your proposal to be considered. Once firm approval is given and a date confirmed, we will invite you to a preliminary planning meeting at the Cathedral.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Cathedral for your special Mass or service.
Email: Precentor@rcdow.org.uk
Memorial Services
Please note that, although we regularly conduct funerals at the Cathedral, we do not hold Memorial Services. It is the practice in the Catholic Church that individuals are remembered and prayed for within the context of a regular scheduled Mass. If you would like to remember a friend, loved one or other individual in this way, please book a Mass Intention click here.
Edward Elgar’s London premiere of The Dream of Gerontius was staged at Westminster Cathedral and Benjamin Britten wrote specially for the unique sound of the Cathedral Choir. Requests for a collaborative event with the Cathedral Choir should be directed in the first instance to the Master of Music: MusicAdmin@rcdow.org.uk
If you wish to stage a concert at Westminster Cathedral, please contact the Cathedral Manager: CathedralManager@rcdow.org.uk
Please note that all bookings for external events are made at the discretion of the Cathedral Administrator.