The Sacrament of Marriage is one of service, and key to the life of the Church by providing a bedrock for faith and family life.
The Cathedral as the Mother Church of England and Wales is often booked for diocesan events but many couples for whom the Cathedral is their parish church want to marry here. The Lady Chapel is a favourite venue for many.
Marriages in the Cathedral can take place in principle on Friday and Saturday afternoons between 2pm and 4pm, subject to availability. We strongly advise that under no circumstances should couples book Reception venues or make other arrangements until the date of the marriage has been agreed with the Cathedral and entered into the diary. If you wish to marry at Westminster Cathedral there are a number of stipulations:
Is/are one or both of you a baptised Catholic?
If the answer is Yes, then has/have one or both of you been through any form of marriage or civil partnership previously?
If so, no arrangements can be made until the case has been considered by the Marriage Tribunal of the relevant diocese.
The Cathedral has an information booklet which gives general information about preparing for marriage, and specific information for marriage at the Cathedral. You may find this helpful.
‘God’s image is the married couple, a man and woman, together. Not just the man. Not just the woman. No, both of them. That’s God’s image.’