Other Organs
The Lady Chapel Organ
A three-stop chamber organ, built by Peter Hindmarsh in 1972, is used to accompany the daily Offices in the Lady Chapel.
The Norman and Beard Organ
On 6th June 1903, Elgar’s The Dream of Gerontius received its first London performance in the Cathedral, and for the occasion a large three-manual organ by Norman and Beard was hired at a cost of £100 per year. This instrument was installed in two sections in the gallery over the Archbishop’s throne, with a detached electric console that stood in the Apse. By 1907, however, the organ had been returned to the builders, and the TC Lewis Apse Organ was installed the same year.
The Casson Organ
The Divine Office was sung daily in the Cathedral Hall from Ascension Day 1902, a year before the Cathedral’s opening. The Positive Organ Company of Mornington Crescent, London, constructed a small one-manual instrument to accompany the liturgies. On the Cathedral’s completion the following year, the organ was placed on a trolley to move it between the Blessed Sacrament Chapel to the north of the sanctuary, and the Lady Chapel to the south. Eventually, it was fitted with an electric blower and installed in a gallery above the Vaughan Chantry in the north transept, where it remains; the pipes can just be seen from floor of the Nave. Whilst the organ was used to accompany liturgies in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel as recently as 1994, it is not currently in a playable condition.