Friendship Groups

The Cathedral has a number of friendship societies and associations which meet regularly offering support and companionship. These are a lovely way to meet other parishioners and to be an active participant in the local community.

Filipino Club

First Sunday of the month,
Hinsley Room, 1-5pm

The Filipino Club at Westminster Cathedral (FCWC) is a social club that welcomes all nationalities. There is a small membership fee of £15, payable annually. A Filipino Mass is also celebrated at 3pm on the third Saturday of the month in the Cathedral’s chapel of ease; Sacred Heart, Horseferry Road.

Grandparents’ Association

Second Sunday of the month,
Hinsley Room, 12-3.30pm

The mission of the Catholic Grandparents’ Association is to help grandparents pass on the faith and keep prayer in the heart of family life. With over 40 regular members, all parents and grandparents are welcome.

Nigerian Catholics Association

Fourth Sunday of the month,
Hinsley Room, after 12pm Mass
Contact: Joseph Samuel – 074 4800 9267

This group was formed in the 1990s for the care and welfare of Nigerians attending Westminster Cathedral, and to offer support to the Cathedral.

Yoruba Group

Third Sunday of the month,
Hinsley Room, 1.30-3pm

Yoruba is one of three main ethnic tribes in Nigeria that share similar values and culture and a common language also called Yoruba. The group comes together to pray, and socialise each month.

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