Staff & Committees
A great amount of work is required to keep Westminster Cathedral functioning, to maintain its fabric, and to host the many special events that take place. Behind the scenes, a team of staff and volunteers ensures that the Cathedral is run efficiently and safely.

Peter McNulty
Cathedral Manager
Responsible for the daily organisation of the Cathedral, with oversight of all commercial operations; including Cathedral Hall bookings, the Gift Shop and Tower Viewing Gallery, and the logistical management of major events.
Tel: 020 7798 9064 Email: CathedralManager@rcdow.org.uk
Elizabeth Arnot
PA to the Dean
Elizabeth oversees the Dean’s diary and is responsible for liaising between the Dean and external organisations.
Tel: 020 7798 9062 Email: ElizabethA@rcdow.org.uk
Patricia Cawley & Elvira Blagrove
Clergy House Receptionists
The Receptionists provide a front-line service to visitors and respond to the many emails and telephone calls to Clergy House.
Tel: 020 7798 9055 Email: CHReception@rcdow.org.uk
Bernadette Stacey
Head Sacristan
Aided by Philip Pinto and Christopher Moraes, the Cathedral Sacristans are responsible for preparing the sanctuary and chapels for liturgical services, and care of the sacred vestments and vessels.
Email: Sacristy@rcdow.org.uk
Andrew Grange
Head of Security
Andrew is responsible for all aspects of security across the Cathedral complex.
Tel: 020 7798 9014 Email: AndrewGrange@rcdow.org.uk
Stuart Doxey
Estates Manager
Responsible for running the Maintenance Department, organising works and projects around the Cathedral complex, health and safety, fire safety, and event planning. He is assisted by Caroline Keogh, Works Assistant and Sam Holloway, Maintenance Team Leader.
Tel: 020 7798 9054 Email: StuartDoxey@rcdow.org.uk
Edward Kendall
Cathedral Fundraising Officer
Responsible for the development of voluntary giving through legacies and major gifts, assisting with parish planned giving and grant applications.
Tel: 075 9685 5460 Email: CathedralGiving@rcdow.org.uk
John Torres
Cathedral Caretaker
Responsible for the management, bookings and maintenance of Cathedral Hall and the Hinsley Room.
Tel: 020 7798 9448 Email: CathedralCaretaker@rcdow.org.uk
Lorcán Keller
Cathedral Communicatons Officer
Lorcán is the Editor of Oremus magazine, with responsibility for livestreaming, social media and the Cathedral website.
Tel: 020 7798 9052 Email: LorcanKeller@rcdow.org.uk
Volunteer Staff
We are grateful to all those individuals who generously give the Cathedral considerable amounts of their time to take on roles involving high levels of responsibility and commitment.

Mary Maxwell
Volunteer Co-ordinator
Responsible for organising Cathedral Volunteers, including Readers, Collectors, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Tel: 020 7798 9181 Email: MaryMaxwell@rcdow.org.uk

Breda Fogarty
Guild of St John Southworth Co-ordinator
Responsible for the day-to-day running of the Guild of St John Southworth, which was established in early 2015 to welcome visitors to the Cathedral and for the organisation of guided tours.

Trevor Koschalka
Head Steward
Trevor Koschalka leads our volunteer team of Stewards, along with Algy Keuneman. The Stewards are present at large Cathedral events, providing advice and welcome to visitors, and ensuring their safety.
Sylvia Vernon & Trevor Koschalka
Sylvia and Trevor are responsible for creating a safe environment in the Cathedral parish, including safer recruitment practices and being on hand to respond to all safeguarding concerns. For more information, see our safeguarding page linked at the bottom of every page.
Sylvia: WestCathSG@safeguardrcdow.org.uk
Cathedral Committees
Cathedral Finance & Planning Committee
According to the Canon Law of the Church, every parish must form a Finance Committee. At the Cathedral, this committee meets quarterly to advise the Dean on strategic planning, to monitor accounts and to approve budgets. Its members are chosen for their management expertise and knowledge spanning a broad spectrum of commercial and charitable organisations.
- Linda McHugh, Chair
- Elizabeth Arnot, Secretary
- Fr Patrick van der Vorst
- William Gardner-Hunter
- Andrew Hollingsworth
- Kate Nealon
Ex officio
- Cathedral Dean
- Cathedral Manager
- Cathedral Finance Manager
- Cathedral Estates Manager
- Cathedral Fundraising Manager
- Cathedral Communications Officer
Art and Architecture Committee
The members of the Art and Architecture Committee are experts in a range of disciplines, whose task is to advise the Dean in questions of structural alteration, environmental integrity and continuing decoration of the Cathedral. The Committee meets quarterly.
- Fr Slawomir Witoń, Cathedral Dean
- Gabriele Finaldi
- John Goodall
- Peter Howell
- Dr Rory O’Donnell
- Dr Alan Powers
- Andrew Wilton
Ex officio
- Suzi Pendlebury, Cathedral Architect