The American Friends of Westminster Cathedral
The American Friends of Westminster Cathedral was established to receive gifts, legacies and donations, to help further the ministry and preserve and protect the fabric of Westminster Cathedral. American taxpayers can receive a US income tax deduction for their contributions to support the work and heritage of the Cathedral.
Support our Fundraising
The American Friends of Westminster Cathedral was organised in 1978 under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organisation EIN# 13-2983174. Its purpose is to provide Friends and Donors who support the unique musical tradition and artistic and historical setting of Westminster Cathedral, with a fund that can accept U.S. tax deductible contributions. Our Friends and Donors receive a regular update from our President with a newsletter from the Friends of Westminster Cathedral.
What have we supported?
Recent projects include:
• The mosaic and marble decoration of the Chapel of St George and the English Martyrs.
• The conservation of historic religious books in the Clergy House Library to include cataloguing and the digitisation of the collection.
• Supporting the Westminster Cathedral Choir School tours of the USA.
Donations received by the American Friends are sent to the Administrator for Westminster Cathedral’s various needs. Please make cheques payable to: American Friends of Westminster Cathedral and post to:
Ms. Una Chang, President, American Friends of Westminster Cathedral, Inc.,
125-15 25th Road, Flushing, New York 11354, U.S.A.
For online donations please contact
Ms. Una Chang, President
Email: UChang1@aol.com
Land Line: 718 353 2043
On receipt of your donation, we will send you an acknowledgment letter together with a copy of the American Friends of Westminster Cathedral tax-exempt letter issued by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
Board of Directors
Una Chang, President
Deacon Patrick Cline, Vice-President
Eric Cheng, Secretary & Treasurer
Judy Chen
Annette Dreyer
Shaun Dreyer
Alexandra Gillespie
Justin Kuczmarski
Sir Christian Sweeting KCNG KCSG MRICS
Fr. Slawomir Witoń, Administrator of Westminster Cathedral
Honorary Director
Archbishop George Stack