The Guild of Volunteers
Keeping the Cathedral running smoothly is no easy task. Making sure that it can fulfil its mission as a witness to the Gospel in the heart of London relies heavily on support from around 200 members of the Guild of Volunteers who give generously of their time, energy and skills. The sheer scale of the Cathedral’s activities which includes welcoming large numbers of visitors, penitents and worshippers throughout the day, every day, means that many helping hands are needed. Indeed, the Cathedral could not afford to pay for the many tasks that need to be carried out to ensure that it can run efficiently each day. Could you help with any of the regular tasks or do you have particular knowledge or skills to offer?
The Guild of Volunteers
Under the patronage of Our Lady of Westminster, members of the Guild of Volunteers serve in so many different ways that it would take too long to list them, and the roles are based not only around the liturgies and events, but also behind the scenes. Help is needed with administrative tasks such as IT and finance, design, graphics and communications and with matters requiring senior-level, professional advice.
We have all been blessed with God-given gifts, and each have something to offer back to Him – even if we can’t always make a regular time commitment. With the increase in digital working, tasks may increasingly be carried out remotely as well as around the Cathedral complex.
Working with like-minded people to achieve a common end can be both rewarding and a very good way of meeting new friends.
Why not sign up as a Guild volunteer by completing the online application form to tell us when and how you would like to be involved?
If you would prefer to get in touch direct, please e-mail our Volunteer Coordinator, Mary Maxwell: MaryM@rcdow.org.uk or call her on 020 7798 9181.
‘As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.’
1 PETER 4:10