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Priests’ Training Fund

Sunday 21 April was Good Shepherd Sunday, the day on which we are invited to pray in a more fervent way than usual for priests and for vocations to the priesthood. 

It was also the weekend when the annual collection for the Priests’ Training Fund took place. This fund pays for the priestly formation of men for Catholic Priesthood and it supports the ongoing enrichment and formation of our ordained priests in the Diocese of Westminster. We are delighted to announce that £6,052.23 was collected as the Cathedral’s contribution to the Fund.

There are currently 49 men studying at Allen Hall, the diocesan seminary, 13 of whom are for our own Diocese. We also have one seminarian going through the formation in Valladolid (Spain) and one at the Beda College (Rome), presently on pastoral placement in Ruislip. There are also two on a propaedeutic year at the Redemptoris Mater House of Formation. Last year three deacons were ordained for Westminster Diocese. 

Your gift will help to provide training to the men who responding to Christ’s call want to dedicate their lives to serve God’s people. Thank you for your generosity and please continue praying for vocations and for all our priests. If you do not have a donation envelope, plenty are still available at the back of the Cathedral.

To make a donation online visit