From the early morning until the evening, the faithful come here both to pray quietly and to take part in the regular liturgical celebrations. Holy Mass, daily Exposition, and Benediction offer the opportunity to draw close to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, while all are invited to come together to pray the Angelus, the Rosary and the Daily Office.
We celebrate Holy Mass every day.
The celebration of Mass in the Cathedral, whether presided over by the Archbishop on a national occasion, sung solemnly on a weekday evening by the Choir or said in the early morning before a small group of the faithful, has always been its spiritual heart.

Online Services
Making liturgy accessible for all.
The Cathedral’s streaming and online facilities enable those who cannot attend in person to share fully in the daily liturgies and to feel part of our community of faith. Wherever you are in the world, you are most welcome to join us.
‘The voice of prayer is never silent nor dies the strain of praise away.’
Devotions, Prayer & Study
Traditions that draw us closer to God.
The spiritual life and ambience of the Cathedral is enriched by the devotions of the faithful and traditions of Eucharistic Exposition, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the Rosary. Study groups and communal prayer enhance the Cathedral’s ministry.