Become a regular supporter
Giving by standing order and by donor envelopes provides us with the regular income we need to pay operational costs and to plan for the essential works needed in a building of this size and heritage. We are not funded by the Church or State so we are completely reliant on your donations. Please help us to continue to provide a sanctuary for all by becoming a regular supporter of the Cathedral.
Set up a Standing Order
Giving to the Cathedral by standing order provides the regular, essential income we rely upon for everyday running costs, staffing, maintenance and repairs. Setting up a standing order is quick and easy to do and can be adjusted at any time. Please use one of the three ways to do this we have outlined below.
Set up your own standing order via your online or mobile banking account
If you prefer, you can use the details below to set up a standing order via online banking or at your bank branch.
Bank Name: HSBC Bank Plc.
Account Name: Westminster Cathedral Administration Account
Sort Code: 40-05-20
Account Number: 01309056
Please help us to identify your gift by including a reference (up to 16 characters) which gives your initials and surname preceded by STO_, in the following format: STO_DJSMITH
Use the Cathedral’s Standing Order Form
Follow the link below to download our form and, when completed, post it to us so we can submit it to your bank.
Westminster Cathedral Clergy House
Fundraising Office
42 Francis Street
Please email cathedralgiving@rcdow.org.uk to let us know that you have set up a standing order or should you have any questions regarding the process or your donation. Thank you for supporting the Cathedral.
Regular Donor Envelopes
Are you a regular donor? A regular donor is anyone who gives to the Cathedral repeatedly – this could be every time you come to Mass, every week, each month or several times a year.
If this describes your pattern of giving, please donate using the small white Regular Donor Envelopes which can be found on top of the donation boxes around the Cathedral. They are suitable for all donors who normally give to the Offertory by cash or cheque and may also be used with donations for candles. Using these envelopes enables us to identify the regular donations which are so crucial for the upkeep of the Cathedral and helps us to plan financially for the future. If you have signed up for Gift Aid, our Finance Department will be able to claim the Gift Aid on your gift automatically.
How to use a Regular Donor Envelope
To use the white donor envelopes, you will need a Cathedral Donor number which is individual to you. If you have given through an envelope scheme before, your donor number will not have changed. See below if you don’t know your number.
Just write your name and donor number in the spaces on the front of the envelope, put your donation inside, and place it in the Offertory collection or in a Cathedral donation box.
Keep a supply of envelopes at home
You are invited to keep some envelopes at home or in your wallet or handbag so that you can complete your details before coming to the Cathedral. We have supplies of a special Westminster Cathedral storage box for your envelopes which features a beautiful mosaic from St Joseph’s Chapel and has a space on the reverse to write your donor number.
Request a donor number or storage box
If you would like a storage box, or if you don’t have a Cathedral Donor Number, or have forgotten it, please click the link button below to request a donor box or number.