Make a Gift to the Cathedral
Thank you for choosing to make a gift to Westminster Cathedral via our secure online form, or via althernative methods below. You can also choose to make your gift in memory of someone.
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Supporting the Cathedral
Give by Bank transfer
Please transfer to the following bank account:
Bank Name: HSBC Bank Plc
Account Name: Westminster Cathedral Administration Account
Sort Code: 40-05-20
Account Number 01309056
IBAN No: GB22HBUK40052001309056
Help us to identify your gift by including a reference (up to 16 characters) which gives your initial and surname.
Please email CathedralGiving@rcdow.org.uk to let us know that your gift is on its way and if you have any questions regarding the process or your donation.
Give By Cheque
Please ensure your cheque is made out to ‘Westminster Cathedral’ and post, along with a covering note and your contact details to the following address:
Westminster Cathedral Clergy House
Fundraising Office
42 Francis Street
If you have any questions, please email CathedralGiving@rcdow.org.uk or telephone 020 7798 9057.
What your gift supports
Heritage – supporting the fabric and mosaics
Previous generations have bequeathed us a building of great beauty, a sacred space which gives glory to God. Like any other large, ageing building, the fabric is in constant need of care of maintenance. Cardinal Vaughan intended that future generations would be responsible for completing the Cathedral’s decoration. We, therefore, have a duty to do our part in cherishing and polishing the jewel that we have inherited.

Music – help us to maintain our matchless musical tradition
The choristers were temporarily silenced during the lockdown and their contribution to the beauty of the Cathedral liturgies was greatly missed. We cherish our sung liturgies which are open to all, but they are costly to maintain. Please help us to continue our great musical tradition – Westminster Cathedral is one of the few (if not the only) Catholic Cathedral to sing the Holy Mass every day.

Our Worship & Mission – help us to provide a safe space for all
The prime purpose of the Cathedral is to draw people to God and to do so, our doors must be open, the space clean, security in place and the heating on! Please help us to ensure that we can continue to provide a sanctuary for all.