Join the Companions of Oremus
Oremus is our full-colour, monthly magazine which is offered free of charge to all who come into the Cathedral, parishioners and visitors alike.
Supporting the Cathedral’s Monthly Magazine
Some years ago, when the decision was taken to abolish the Oremus cover price, our print run increased dramatically (which is a good thing) but so did our printing costs. Some of this expense was offset by advertising revenue, but not all.
In 2016 a group of individuals came together to form the Companions of Oremus, pledging a minimum of £100 annually to underwrite the magazine’s design and production. Without their support Oremus would be loss-making and its future uncertain.
The Companions normally meet once or twice a year socially over a glass of wine and a bite to eat and, from time to time, Mass is offered for their intentions. We welcome new members at any time.
If you would like to join The Companions of Oremus to support the Cathedral in this way please fill in the form below or email OremusComps@rcdow.org.uk for further information.