The Friends of Westminster Cathedral
The Society of Friends of Westminster Cathedral is an independent charity founded in 1977. For more than 40 years we have helped to finance specific projects and appeals supporting the fabric, liturgy and music which make Westminster Cathedral such a special place of worship.
What have we achieved?
Friendship is everything. By becoming a Friend, you are automatically supporting Westminster Cathedral through the membership fee. However, many of our Friends want to do more. Some choose to donate a little extra every month, or you can give to one of our major appeals.
The Friends in action – what have we paid for?
• The restoration of the Guild Room and the Treasures Exhibition
• The restoration of the Tower Lift and Viewing Gallery
• Marble inscriptions recalling the visit of St John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI
• Bespoke furniture for the Westminster Cathedral Song School
• Vestments and an altar frontal for the installation of Archbishop Vincent Nichols
• Improvements to the Cathedral Hall
• New glass doors at the main West entrance
• An exhibition celebrating the life of Sir Malcolm Arnold
• Missals, music and mosaics
• Cathedral communications
The Big Give Christmas Challenge
Since 2016, we have taken part in the BIG GIVE Christmas Challenge – an online match-funding appeal – and this is now the primary focus for our annual fundraising. We have raised over £160,000 through BIG GIVE. It is easy to donate and your money will make a difference. Funds raised in 2020 supported communications at the Cathedral including the new improved live streaming of Mass, vital during the Covid pandemic, and new audio-visual equipment in the Cathedral Hall.
Making a regular or one-off donation
If you would like to discuss making a regular or a one-off donation to the Friends and you would like to know more about what we do, please don’t hesitate to contact us. There are giving schemes available which may appeal to you. Email: Friends@rcdow.org.uk.
Mosaics at Westminster Cathedral
It was always Cardinal Herbert Vaughan’s intention that the decoration of the Cathedral should fall to future generations and The Friends have a long tradition of supporting mosaics. In recent years, our projects have included the Vaughan Chantry and the Chapel of St George and the English Martyrs. We are currently raising funds for a mosaic in memory of our late Administrator and Chairman of the Friends Canon Christopher Tuckwell RIP.
We know from experience that it takes time and effort to raise money, but from little acorns, great oaks grow, and we have a seed-corn fund for future work. Our late Mosaics Chairman Barry Lock RIP was a passionate supporter of Westminster Cathedral mosaics and we continue the work in his memory. Cliona Howell is now chair of the Friends’ Mosaics Committee.
If you wish to make a donation towards mosaics at Westminster Cathedral please contact us. Email Friends@rcdow.org.uk or phone: 020 7798 9059.
By remembering the Friends of Westminster Cathedral in your will you can make a big difference to the future life of the Cathedral. You can choose how your legacy is to be spent, specifying a particular project, or you can allow it to be dedicated for general use, to be spent where the need is most urgent.
All deceased Friends are remembered at an annual Mass in the Cathedral in November. You have been a Friend to the Cathedral in your lifetime; leaving a legacy enables that friendship to continue.
What information will I need?
Your solicitor will ask you for the full name of the charity and the charity number. Please email us and let us know if it is your intention to leave the Friends a legacy.
Society of Friends of Westminster Cathedral
Charity No: 272899
Contact address: Friends’ Office, Clergy House, 42 Francis Street SW1P 1QW.
Tel no: 020 7798 9059
Email: Friends@rcdow.org.uk
We value your support. Thank you for helping us to make a difference.