Our Priests
Westminster Cathedral is served by a ‘College of Chaplains’, drawn principally from the ranks of the Westminster diocesan clergy. Cardinal Vaughan wrote that the Chaplains’ chief motivation should be a desire to serve God as apostles, through a life of prayer and public liturgy. Throughout its life, the focus of the College has been the daily celebration of Mass and the Prayer of the Church, and it remains so to this day. The Chaplains meet together for Morning Prayer and each Chaplain celebrates one of the regular Masses.

Fr Slawomir Witoń
Dean of Westminster Cathedral
Fr Witoń was appointed to the Cathedral in 2020. In his role as the Cathedral Dean he oversees the whole life of the Cathedral on behalf of the Archbishop. His duties run from liturgy to maintenance, from staffing to finance, and from catechesis to parish visiting. He is Chair of Oremus magazine, a Governor of Westminster Cathedral Choir School, Chair of the Safeguarding Committee and Editor of the Parish Newsletter.

Fr Brian O’Mahony
Sub-Dean of Westminster Cathedral
Fr Brian is the Sub-Dean of Westminster Cathedral and Rector of the College of Chaplains. He took up his current role in September 2021. The role of the Sub-Dean is to support the work of the Dean in his day-to-day running of the Cathedral. In particular, he looks after the domestic arrangements of Clergy House and the duty rota which governs the daily life of the Chaplains’ team. As well as the general duties of daily Mass and Confessions, his particular pastoral responsibilities include chaplaincy to Westminster Cathedral Choir School, the Guild of St Anthony, the Oblates and the coordination of the Marriage Preparation Course. In addition to duties in the Cathedral, Fr Brian is a lecturer at Allen Hall Seminary.

Fr Patrick van der Vorst
Fr Patrick is the Cathedral Precentor and Prefect of the Sacristy. He oversees the liturgy and coordinates special services, liaising with the Music Department, and manages the Cathedral diary. He has pastoral care of the Guild of St John Southworth and the Cathedral Stewards.
Fr Patrick also provides daily relfections via Christian Art.

Fr John Scott
Fr John is the Cathedral Registrar maintaining our parish Sacramental records and documents. He has responsibility for the Cathedral’s Chapel of Ease, the Sacred Heart Church in Horseferry Road, and he is the liaison for Westminster School. He also has pastoral care of the Catholic Grandparents’ Association and oversees Baptismal Preparation.

Fr Hugh Mackenzie
Fr Hugh shares his ministry as the Chaplain at Westminster Cathedral with his role as the Chaplain to St John’s Hospice, St John’s Wood. He has pastoral care of the Guild of the Blessed Sacrament, looks after our housebound parishioners and coordinates visits to the local nursing homes.

Fr Javier Ruiz-Ortiz
Priest in Residence
Fr Javier has pastoral care of the Westminster Cathedral Filipino Club and is Chaplain to the parish Legion of Mary. Having completed further studies, Fr Javier has taught Old Testament modules at Allen Hall since 2016 and, in 2021, became the Dean of Mater Ecclesiæ.

Fr Vincent Mbu’i SVD
Fr Vincent is Chaplain to St Vincent de Paul Primary School and is responsible for the Cathedral First Holy Communion Programme, the Confirmation Programme and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
‘We are very conscious of the great privilege entrusted to us of serving God and his people in this great Cathedral.’