Watch a Mass

The Cathedral’s streaming facility enables those who cannot attend in person to share fully in the daily liturgies and to feel part of our community of faith.

This is a spiritual boon for the housebound and sick, it also means that the Cathedral’s many friends across the world can benefit from the beauty and solemnity of Cathedral worship. Wherever you are in the world, you are most welcome. We hope that participating in the Mass online will encourage you to visit us in person and to experience this beautiful Cathedral.

Please do not record any music that is sung or played from Westminster Cathedral.  All recordings are subject to copyright. Permission to stream the music in this service is obtained from ONE LICENSE, License A-633307. All rights reserved.

The live streaming of Mass follows this pattern:

  • Monday to Saturday – Mass at 12.30pm.
  • Sunday – Solemn Mass sung by the Cathedral Choir at 12 noon.

Service Sheets