Author: lorcankeller

Welcome to our new website. It is packed with interactive features so parishioners and visitors alike may experience our beautiful Cathedral online and engage with our activities, liturgies, groups and organisations. It is now possible for all to become part of the Cathedral family by joining groups, applying to volunteer, lighting candles and making donations – all online. Or simply explore this uniquely beautiful building through our Virtual Tour featuring videos and a 3D experience.

We are grateful to The Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage whose major grant made this website project possible and to The Society of Friends of Westminster Cathedral for supplementary funding. The new site is highly visual, and incorporates many beautiful images to inspire and encourage visitors to experience this sacred space in person.

Alongside our schedule of Confessions, Masses and other liturgies, the website features a series of short videos, of two to three minutes each, which introduce the main highlights of the history, architecture and decoration of the Cathedral. Each one incorporates the music of our world-famous choir.

Watch our video mini-series on the history of the Cathedral and its chapels

To experience how it feels to stand in the Cathedral and view the mosaics close up, why not take our 3D tour? Transport yourself digitally into any chapel, up into the choir apse or the organ loft or fly up to the Tower viewing gallery to enjoy the permanently sunny (!) views. Explore the Crypt and the Sacristy – they’re not normally open to the public. By exploring the upper galleries, you can even find the Cathedral’s store of tesserae, the small marble or glass pieces that are used to create stunning mosaics.

Have you ever needed to light a candle in the Cathedral but were unable to come here in person? Through the new website you can request that a real candle be lit for you at the chapel or shrine of your choice. You can also arrange to sponsor one of our sanctuary lamps for the intention of your choice or make a donation.

Joining the parish register, a Cathedral group or the Friends can now all be done simply online, as well as volunteering for parish work, the St John Southworth Guild or applying to become an altar server.

Our website features useful devotional guides for taking part in our daily livestreamed Masses as well as other regular Cathedral devotions such as the Angelus, the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross, which take place publicly on Friday evenings during Lent.

The Cathedral is grateful to all those who have worked hard to bring this project to launch point. They include volunteers, clergy, Cathedral staff and, in particular, Oink Creative Ltd. our web designers and developers, Ian Copestake our video maker and Weston Media Ltd. who created the 3D Map and aerial photography.

We very much hope you enjoy using our new site and we’d be delighted if you would like to share it with your friends, using the social media links on this page.

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